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Surplus Line Insurer (LASLI) Lookup

Search Results We found Insurer(s) that meet your criteria.

The information displayed is based on the latest data available to the Surplus Line Association of California (SLA) and is updated periodically. We have made every effort to ensure all information transcribed for these pages is correct. However, the SLA cannot attest to the accuracy of data provided by its sources, nor do we make any warranties, either expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of information presented in this document. We assume no responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of this information.

Regarding A.M. Best Ratings

Best's Credit Ratings™ are under continuous review and subject to change and/or affirmation. For the latest Best’s Credit Ratings™ and Best’s Credit Reports (which include Best’s Credit Ratings™), visit the A.M. Best website at See Guide to Best’s Credit Ratings™ for explanation of use and charges. 

Best's Credit Ratings™ reproduced herein appear under license from A.M. Best and do not constitute, either expressly or impliedly, an endorsement of the Surplus Line Association of California’s  (SLA’s) publication or service or its recommendations, formulas, criteria or comparisons to any other ratings, rating scales or rating organizations which are published or referenced herein. A.M. Best is not responsible for transcription errors made in presenting Best's Credit Ratings™. Best’s Credit Ratings™ are proprietary and may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of A.M. Best Company.

 A Best’s Financial Strength Rating opinion addresses the relative ability of an insurer to meet its ongoing insurance obligations. It is not a warranty of a company’s financial strength and ability to meet its obligations to policyholders. View our Important Notice: Best's Credit Ratings for a disclaimer notice and complete details at


*Other Names abbreviations are:

  • FKA - Formerly Known As
  • AKA - Also Known As
  • DBA - Doing Business As
  • Merged - Merged
