All of the Content, including, without limitation, all text, graphics, video, and sounds on the SLA Web Site, and all computer code associated therewith, is the valuable proprietary property of the SLA, its licensors and contributors, and is subject to copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property protection. You acknowledge and agree that the SLA has expended substantial time and effort to create the SLA Web Site, and the Content and Services provided therewith, and that the SLA either exclusively owns or has been licensed by third parties to use and sub-license all rights, title, and interest therein and all associated information, data, databases, images, and other material.
If you wish to make any complaint regarding any Content, please contact us at: The SLA agent for notice purposes under 17 U.S.C. 512 is:
Michael Caturegli
Chief Technology and Analysis Officer
The Surplus Line Association of California
12667 Alcosta Boulevard, Suite 450
San Ramon, CA 94583